How to make money on nairaland

how to make money on nairaland

Nairaland is the most popular online forum in Nigeria, millions of people visit the site for news and informative content. In today’s post, I’ll be showing you the best ways to make money with nairaland.

If you run an online business in Nigeria, then you most definitely have heard about this site. Most of you have always been curious as to the best way to earn from this site, well below are the five best ways to make money with nairaland :


The Five best ways to make money with nairaland are :


  •  Ebooks
  • Blogging
  •  Freelance
  •  Consulting
  •  Running nairaland ads for people


Ebooks :

Selling ebooks online can be a very lucrative side business, if you’re knowledgeable in any area consider writing an ebook on the topic/area. For example, many Nigerians are interested in moving to Canada, so writing an ebook on the best ways to move to Canada would be a very good idea.


Read now : How to make money online as a student without spending a dime


Blogging :

Nairaland is great place to get traffic to your blog/website, if you run a news site consider posting your links on nairaland. You could also get good backlinks to your site or blog from nairaland, which would help you rank better on Google. More traffic to your site means that more people will see your ads, which means more revenue.


Freelance :

Nairaland is a very good place to find clients for your freelance business, whether you’re a web designer, writer, graphic designer etc there is someone on nairaland who needs your service and is ready and willing to hire you.


Consulting :

If you’re particularly skilled in any area, consider running a nairaland ad promoting your company. Nairaland gets millions of visitors every month, placing an ad on nairaland front page would be a big boost for your business.


Running nairaland ads for people :

Another good way to make good money would be to run nairaland ads for people, in addition to running ads for your business you could also run ads for other people. This is a great way to make side income with nairaland.



Nairaland is definitely a good site, every Nigerian should be using to grow his/her business. If you’ve not been using this site to grow your business, you could start today.


If you have any questions, drop them in the comments box….. I respond immediately.


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